Victor was the Teen Ambassador during the 2014-2015 academic year and helped in many ways. He
participated in events working with children with Down Syndrome while also spreading awareness
about Lily’s Angels. Victor took the initiative to educate his peers about Down Syndrome, help during
outreach events and raise funds for the foundation. In addition to his commitment and devotion for
Lily’s Angels, he also has a passion for race cars and competed in many competitions throughout the
United States.
While he raced, he always wore his Lily’s Angels bracelet which he said gave him luck during his competitions. Victor’s race car was also adorned by a Lily’s Angels bumper sticker as another way that he thought would spread awareness and show his love for the foundation.
Victor is now a freshman at Bentley University, in Boston, where we know this star will shine! Despite
the distance, he is still and will always be a committed part of the Lily’s Angels family. As such, we are
honored to have Victor now serve as the ‘College Ambassador’ for Lily’s Angels!
My name is Diego Gonzalez and I am currently a sophomore at Saint John’s School. I have been working
with Lily’s Angels since the summer of 2015 and the joy one gets from sharing with the Angels is
not easy to describe. It is a pure and deep joy, one that makes you want to keep on helping because
you feel like you are spending your time in a great way. Lily’s Angels are exactly that, Angels. There
are very few people I know who are as kind as the Angels are, so it makes me truly happy to know I
am doing something that makes a dierence in their lives.
Ever since I worked my first activity with Lily’s Angels last year, I fell in love with the foundation and
everything it stands for. I’m very grateful to have stumbled upon this opportunity and fully commit to
the foundation as photographer for all their upcoming events. I’ve had a professional camera since I
was ten years old and having taken a photography class in Italy this summer, I am more than excited
to embark on this journey with the angels. I could never thank Lily’s Angels enough for letting me
combine both my passions for photography and service into one, great cause.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” -Mahatma Ghandi
My name is Paula Chaves and I have been involved with Lily’s Angels since the beginning of 2015. As
the Baldwin Ambassador, I have found it to be a way to give back by interacting with the so loved
angels. Starting September, I am dedicated to share all of my Friday’s for the arts program. I believe
this organization truly helps the Down syndrome community and contributes in the best possible way.
Thanks Lily’s angels for the opportunity!
My name is Nissim Roe, and I am an 11th grade student at Saint John’s School. I first got involved
with Lily’s Angels by the community service day at my school in 10th grade, and since then have been
working with them. Working with Lily’s Angels has become my way of giving back to the community
and helping a cause I am passionate about. Spending time with the angels truly makes me happy, and
every time I feel like I am building a positive bond. Other than volunteering at Lily’s Angels, I am president
of my class and Model United Nations Club, plus I am an assistant coach for PeeWee Football.

+1 (787) 534-3487
+1 (787) 675-2211
Lily’s Angels & Down Syndrome Awareness Foundations is a non-profit dedicated to bringing awareness about Down syndrome as well as increasing access to therapy.